Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ryan had a very good night. He held his oxygen, blood pressure, and urine output well. He is still off of the Dopamine (medicine that help holds his BP up). His head ultrasound came back completely normal!!!

Little man looks so peaceful sleeping when we went to visit today. You could tell that he wasn’t just sleeping because of sedation but he was actually resting. The doctor discontinued his photo therapy (smurf light as Dean refers to it). He is now able to sleep in a nearly blackout warm and cozy bed. I didn't have the heart to wake his up this afternoon. His little body is looking soo much better than it has! The excess fluid is comming off slowly but surely.

Auntie Lesha got to touch Ryan for the first time. I think she was on cloud nine! Her time was cut short unfortunately. Our little man is very partial to his Momma. If he hears me talking he gets very persistent when me or Dean is in the room. He wants his feet/hands held by either Mommy or Daddy. I told her it was alright. Mommy gets booted out after several minutes if Daddy is in the room.

Since his temperature has been holding on its own we have been able to “tag team” our little man! Daddy on one side of the bed with one set of extremities and Mommy on the other side of the bed with the other set. It is sweet. You can feel him completely relax and rest as we are “holding” him.

Gammie got her first taste of the little breaking her heart today. He has gotten to where if we remove our hands from him or if he hears our voices and we are not touching him he will reach his hand for us. His nurse had to resitet one of his IV lines. Gammie stayed in and held his hand and when she took it out after she told him goodnight he reached back up for her. You can usually talk to him and calm him down but it still breaks our hearts when he does it. We know that he must rest and have decreased stimulation but it is still hard to walk away from him when he reaches. Thankfully most times we can calm him down by talking to him!!

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