Thursday, February 23, 2012

Eye Apt Stand Still

Ryan had his repeat eye exam this afternoon. He is starting to do much better with his eye drops.Thankfully his eyes are blue and easy to dilate. Lately it is only taking two rounds of eye drops!!
Gammy went with us and thought it would be a good time to introduce little man to his teething toy.
Ryan’s eyes are still doing well. The doctor had thought that his retina would be completely mature this round but found that they were still just shy of being fully mature.
He said there isn’t anything to worry about right now. He will recheck his
eyes in a month. Hopefully his eyes will be grown at this check.

We were told that sometimes the retina may take a few years to fully mature and if that is the case that it shouldn’t pose a huge problem. It would just be a bump that we would have to recheck periodically.

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