Monday, April 2, 2012

At times it’s easy to get caught up in all of the fun and pictures and lose sight of reality. We were reminded with a vengeance what exactly our reality encompasses this weekend. Ryan’s weight gain continues to wax and wane. He had a great deal of gas and stomach distress to the point that the only thing left to try was curl him up in the bed with me and pray that our body heat would help his tummy feel better.
On top of tummy issues he is having what seems to an 7 month old be excruciating teething pain! The only other time I’ve heard the shrill screams/cries are when he gets several shots. We are doing our best to keep him comfortable but it is taking a great toll on us all.
Raising any child is hard but I’m learning that raising a child with unique needs is especially challenging. You do the very best you can but most days it is a long shot from being enough. I still stay that a child with any kind of recurring ‘sickness’ comes with a mommy with some degree of ‘Bipolarness’ It’s becoming evident that we are going to have to make some tough decisions within our lives in order to place our family, our son, and our selves first.  I know by the time this post makes it to the blog it will be outdated but please continue to pray for our family as lives change in new directions!

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