Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ryan is moving right along! His feeds have been increased to 8.5mls. More of his medications are beings changed to by mouth. He had a very good day today. We spent several hours loving and enjoying time with our son!

We were able to see Ryan’s physical therapy today. The therapist was amazed at how well he could move and extend his arms and legs. She was impressed at how well he could be consoled and enjoyed ‘touch.’

It’s amazing to see just how long his arms stretch!!

He has never had foot or hand prints taken since he was too small at birth for the extra stimulation. Today we were able to press his prints into clay molds! The nurse knew exactly what ‘tricks’ to use so that the prints would turn out their best. Here is a sneak peak at one of the prints. I’m planning on putting some color on them and will show the finished product later!

After we had finished his impressions his nurse asked for my rings and placed them on Ryan’s wrist. He is still soo small!!

I love that you can see Jackson’s name on my mother’s ring!
I was able to pick him up twice while I was at the hospital today. He does feel slightly heavier than I remember. I was treated after he had slobbered all over his blanket that he was laying on. I was able to pick Ryan up and hold him in my hands while the nurse changed his sheets! This was the first time I’ve held just his body!!

He is so small yet he is feisty!

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