Friday, September 23, 2011

Wow!!! Our little man took a leap in the direction of becoming a big boy today. He is up to 9.5ml/feeding. The doctor discontinued his IV nutrition and changed all of his medications to by mouth medications. The only problem with this was that his sedation medication takes much quicker effect in the IV form. He showed his daddy’s temper today. We had already figured out that when his face gets red he is getting cranky and NOT liking something. This is usually when he is wet, dirty, or just unhappy with someone messing with him. When he is like this we can usually use containment and cradle him in our hands and comfort and calm him with ease.

Today was a much different story. He was very much wide awake and he was ticked at all the lines and tubes that he was connected to. He began breathing over the oscillator to a point that the vent was doing more harm than good and  is now back on the conventional ventilator. The doctor was debating changing him back to the conventional vent this morning but was afraid to change too many things at once. . . Needless to say. . . His mind was made up for him by Ryan this afternoon. His body said it was time that it did more on his own.

Poor Gammie witnessed his entire ordeal today! She had to wait on a new OETT tube to be placed, vent to be changed, and then both his feeding tubes had to be replaced and placement verified. He put her through the ringer!!!  

At last check he has calmed down and rested that last several hours. His gasses on the conventional vent have been very good! His PICC line was taken out and the plan for the rest of the night is to let him rest and recover from his ‘fit’ today.

He is a very strong willed and eager little fella when it comes to living. Most every nurse says that “he does not believe he is as little as he is.” This can get him into trouble at times but when it comes to premies that nurses are telling us that the feisty strong willed kidos are the best when it comes to their will to live and overcome all the adversities placed before them. I’m not sure what God has in store for Ryan but I know he has the will to do great things!!!

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