Monday, November 21, 2011

New Very BIG BOY Room!!

Ryan was moved to a new room last night. His Nurse B called me first thing this morning to let me know that he had his own private room and that I could (needed) to bring up things for his room.

She was tickled this afternoon when she was able to hold Ryan. She calls him ‘our boy.’ She was over the moon that she was able to hold him! She says she tries to leave the holding for mommy/daddy.             
I had a blast with my papaw and grandma this morning!
 They will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on New Year’s Day!
We had a miniature photo shoot this morning for their anniversary announcements.

We just made it through the standing water on I30 before it was shut down!
Ryan had two bottles today. He took a bottle from Mommy this morning. (8mls)
He took a total of 13mls from his daddy! That is just about half of his regular feed!
I Loved having us all here in the room with Ryan. It was almost like his birth was ment to be. There was a daddy feeding the little one that bottle, a mommy sitting up next to them in the bed, and a gammy helping out! Mom said this morning felt similar to the call that she thought we’d be having around this time of the year. Instead of waking her up to go have Ryan i woke her up because he was in his own room and we were going to be allowed to really ‘care’ for Ryan!
Our little man must have loved his time with Mommy today. He gained 85grams!! That is 3lbs 11oz!!!!! We are getting ready to settle in for the night! So far so good . . .
let’s home little man gets a little bit of sleep!!

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