Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 125 Part Two

Auntie Lesha met us outside the hospital with the car.

She was nice enough to snap a few pictures of Ryan comming out into the sunshine/fresh air for the first time!!

It was beyond surreal leaving the hospital with a baby in tow!!

On our way home we stopped at Daddy’s
work to take him his phone.

We had a small crowd follow daddy out to the jeep to see for them that Ryan was on his way home!

Ryan seemed amazed at all the new things to see once we were home.
We were given Enfamil soy formula upon discharge from the hospital that did NOT sit well with Ryan’s tummy!

It was as if all the progress we made with gass/ tummy issues went out the window after two bottles.
After several midnight Wal-Mart runs along with what seemed like multitudes of prayer . . . Ryan is now taking a standard nipple on a Dr. Brown’s bottle. He has never taken a standard nipple much less a bottle with ease. Both of which he did with the Dr. Brown bottle. He is also back on Similac isomil.

We are so very thankful that Ryan took to the new bottles and back to his hospital formula. To be honest after his 9pm feeding something had to give. I thought for sure if we didn’t find something that worked that we would have been in the ER by the end of the weekend!

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