Friday, December 2, 2011

Monkey Butt!

Yeah both by babies have had a very good day!

Ryan didn’t gain any weight last night BUT he did gain 40 grams tonight.
He is now 2040grams! He is now 4lbs 8oz!!
The doctor decreased Ryan’s flow to 1liter/minute. He has done very well with these settings!
 Mom took some very encouraging pictures today and sent them to me at work for some encouragement!

Ryan was a very fussy boy tonight. His feeding had to be pushed back a bit since all three of the nurses babies ate at the same time.
Ryan consistently looks very handsome in blue!
Tonight he wore his monkey outfit. . . .He is almost a one-armed-monkey with his pulse ox limiting his hands!
I just LOVE this little Monkey Butt!!
Smokey came home from the vet today also! He is doing well. His doctor said he just needs some good rest and TLC and she’ll recheck him in one week.
It made my day to see this little face! Especially when I noticed the hump knot
on the top of his head. The vet always treats the puppies like kings/queens.
He is a very happy boy tonight. He had Mommy and Daddy (and the king size bed) all to himself!
I’m just soo very thankful  my boys are on the mend again!!!!!

Smokey Just asks that you please forgive his 'kennel' hair!

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