Monday, October 10, 2011

Not So Happy Baby

Ryan has been a very unhappy baby today! His blood count had decreased so the doctor ordered for him to receive 12mls of blood. Unfortunately that means no groceries (only pedalite) while he is getting blood.

He was too pathetic at lunch. He was trying his hardest waving his arm with his IV as if he was saying ‘mommy fix it!’ He just couldn’t understand why I couldn’t fix it. It kills me that I cant make it better but I know this is just the first of many situations that will be completely out of my control.

He should get his groceries back at full strength Similac tomorrow at either his 5am feeding or his 8am feeding.

His Gammie brought him a fresh blanket. He is learning early. He gravitates to Gammie when he decided that Mommy isn’t doing what he wants.

On another note our little man is very close to crossing over to the 2 pound mark! He weighed 820 grams which is 1lb 13oz!! He is soo close! I imagine by Sunday’s weigh in we will have a 2 pound little boy!!

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