Monday, October 3, 2011

Ryan has been a Fussy. . . . Fussy . . . . . FUSSY little man this evening!

His blood count was low this morning so he will receive a total of 10mls of red blood cells. They will transfuse 5mls at a time over about a 16 hour period. We were told his body should be able to better regulate/replenish his blood count once he is off the vent/oxygen.

During this time his feeds will be mixed differently. He has been taking  14mls of 24 calorie Alimentum. During his blood transfusions they allow the gut to rest and he will be getting 5mls of 20 calorie Alimentum mixed with 5mls of sterile water.  

Apparently this is NOT sitting well with our son! I’ve never seen him this fussy or inconsolable! Dean keeps saying “the boy is hungry.” Tonight he showed out to show it!

Gammie did however find the right touch and calmed our little man down.  Hopefully tomorrow his lab work will be good and Dean will get to hold Ryan for the first time!!

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