Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Real Mommy. . .For a Day

Ryan had a rough night to say the least. They aren’t sure what has him so unhappy but when I talked to his nurse this morning they had narrowed it down to two. Either his tummy was hurting (which the sweet ease should have helped) or he wanted attention. His nurse joked yesterday that I could come and hold him all day if it helped. . . Well. . . It worked.

I was able to be a ‘real’ Mommy for around 5 hours today. We rocked, swayed, hummed, listened to Casting Crowns, he took his passi, and slept quite a bit!

He was fussy fussy fussy when started. He was so red faced and upset he was lifting his head up off of his bed to make his feelings known. He squirmed just a big at first when she handed him to me but once he Scooted (yes I’m in trouble he has already figured out how to scoot with proper traction) to where he was comfortable he was out like a light.

Poor thing the only way he can clear his secretions is by sneezing. He had been sleeping good for about an hour when he started sneezing and scared himself. Thankfully as long as I patted or rocked he was fairly easy to get back to sleep. I mean as easy as it gets with a VERY strong willed and opinionated micro premie can be!

He wasn’t happy when he had to return to his house but at least he was worn out and hopefully will rest tonight!

(This is the look he gave me when we put him back to bed the first time)

His most recent length was 33cm which is 13 inches! He has grown ½ inch. His weight was down tonight. He weighed 900grams. The doctor said this morning that if he hadn’t gained he that he would crank his calories up again so we could pack on the pounds. I’m hoping the weight loss is just due to his using more energy to breathe on his own and his fussiness over the last week! The nurse said she would reweigh him in the morning to double check his weight.

Overall he is still a pretty happy/active baby! Now if only his Momma can remember to put the recharged battery in the camera I’ll have much better pictures tomorrow to show him off!

Looking through pictures I’ve realized what Ryan’s new found atti’Tude’ reminds me of!!

 These 4 legged grandkids that belong to Auntie Lesha!! (Just ask Gammie about their ‘tudes’!)

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